September 21

Information Poverty

There’s a joke that goes “librarians like to search, everyone else like to find.”

Listen, I didn’t say it was a funny joke.

Anyway, I do love searching.  But I love it even more when I find the right term to search by, which happened this weekend.  It turns out that there is term for the “justice desert” concept that I’ve been kicking around.

Information poverty.

I thought it up on Sunday morning while watching Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC.  (A show which I highly recommend, btw.)  I did a quick and dirty google search and lo and’s an actual term of art for the concept I’ve been kicking around.  So boo for not being able to be the “originator” but yeah for more literature to review.  And double yea for more confirmation that this topic hasn’t been beaten to death and written about.

As an aside, I do find myself in the weird position of wanting to share everything I learn as I learn it but having a fear that I’m going to get scooped if I reveal too much?  I know I’m just being paranoid, because who else wants to research and write about this topic?  I dunno.    Just suffice it to say that working in the open can be hard sometimes, mentally and emotionally.

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Posted September 21, 2015 by sarah in category "methodology", "research

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